RuniPoo Relief is a 100% herbal formula and contains the following ingredients: •Plantain (Plantago major) is a well-known herbal remedy traditionally used to support the health of the digestive system and mucous membranes. •The major constituents in plantain are mucilage, iridoid glycosides (particularly aucubin) and tannins. •Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) has been used for many years to support healthy firm stools and maintain bowel functioning. Alchemilla also contains tannins, •which support the digestive tract (Jonadet M, Meunier MT, Villie F, Bastide JP, Lamaison JL. "Flavonoids extracted Alchemilla vulgaris." J Pharmacol. 1986;17:21–7). 使用方法:每日3-4次。 使用劑量:貓和小狗:2-3 滴 中型狗隻:5-8 滴 大型狗隻;8-10滴